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Rupert Neve Designsが5211を発表!


Rupert Neve Designsが本国サイトで2チャンネルマイクプリアンプの新製品5211を発表しました。フロントパネルにはGAIN、TRIM、SILK、TEXTUREのロータリースイッチが各チャンネルごとにあります。歴史と実績のあるNeveの製品だけにその音に期待が膨らみます!

今週開催されるAES 2018のRupert Neve Designsブースに展示される予定です。現地からレポートをお届けしますので、お楽しみに!



  • MIC GAIN:A 12-way precision rotary switch controls gain from 0 to 66 dB in 6 dB steps.
  • TRIM:Continuously variable +/-6 dB level control.
  • SILK / TEXTURE:Pushing the Silk button engages the red Silk circuit, which reduces the negative feedback on the output transformer, adding harmonic content as the texture is increased. Red Silk accentuates the saturation in the mid and high frequencies, similar to that of the red silk mode on the Shelford Channel. By manipulating the Texture control, the amount of Silk can be changed from essentially absent, to roughly 10 times the amount of coloration / distortion found in Silk from the original Portico Series. With Silk / Texture engaged, the distortion characteristic and harmonic content of the unit are very reminiscent of many of Rupert’s vintage class-A designs.
  • Level Meter:An eight-segment LED bar-graph meter displays output level (pre-Silk). from -30 dBu to +22 dBu.
  • Polarity:Reverses the polarity of the input signal.
  • High Pass Filter:Continuously variable from 20Hz to 250 Hz, and engaged with the HPF button.
  • Phantom Power:Provides 48V phantom power to microphones.
  • -6dB Output:A secondary split off the output transformer with a lower headroom, designed to allow engineers to fully drive the output of the 5211 without clipping converters and other devices.

Rupert Neve Designs

Writer. Miyazaki

記事内に掲載されている価格は 2018年10月17日 時点での価格となります。


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